3 Ways to Use Stickers to Boost Your New Cosmetics Business

Posted on: 11 September 2017

Are you getting ready to start your own homemade cosmetics company? If so, consider using stickers to boost your new business. Stickers are a fun and affordable way of making your cosmetics desirable and getting the word out about your company. Take a look at these three ways sticker printing could help you.

They Can Help You Brand Your Products

When it comes to branded packaging, getting jars and bottles manufactured with your logo on can be highly cost prohibitive for newbie cosmetics makers. However, when it comes to buying products that you put on your skin, nails or hair, many customers will be put off by a product that doesn't have that professional touch. If you sell your cream in a tub with a handwritten label, potential buyers may wonder if you put that same level of effort (or lack thereof) into creative safe and effective cosmetics.

Printed stickers are a great way to bridge the gap between unbranded, unprofessional packaging and high minimum order quantity manufacturing. You can have labels designed and printed with your logo and colour scheme on at a low cost, then apply them to your containers yourself.

They Can Make Your Boxes Unboxing-Ready

If you're active in the online cosmetics community, you've probably heard of unboxing videos--videos of people unpackaging and showing off their latest purchases. Unboxing videos can be incredibly valuable marketing tools for your new business, combining the power of free word-of-mouth advertising with social proof. Of course, most content creators will only make unboxing videos for products that come in attractive boxes to ensure their videos get the most views possible. Applying branded stickers to your mailing box is a cheap alternative to having custom boxes made, making your parcel worthy of video treatment.

They Can Advertise Your Business

Aside from encouraging unboxing videos, you can also use stickers to advertise your cosmetics by throwing in freebie stickers along with your package. Stickers are a fun way to personalise belongings, so most customers will appreciate receiving them. Then, when they stick them on items they own and take those items out in public, your business will be exposed to hundreds of new eyes. Try sending out stickers made for cars, laptops and phones. Remember, a sticker that only has your brand name or logo on isn't likely to make it onto any customer's belongings. Opt for stickers with fun images or catchy quotes with your brand in a smaller (but still prominent) position.
